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 Jackie Chan et Jet Li, trop vieux?

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Nombre de messages : 840
Age : 34
Localisation : 93
Star Asiat Préférée ??? : KOREA POWAA :D
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2006

Jackie Chan et Jet Li, trop vieux? Empty
MessageSujet: Jackie Chan et Jet Li, trop vieux?   Jackie Chan et Jet Li, trop vieux? Icon_minitimeVen 24 Aoû - 14:30

Action stars Jet Li and Jackie Chan are worried they are too old to pull off fight scenes, and are warning audiences not to get their hopes up about their new film.

Li, 44, and Chan, 53, are starring together in The Forbidden Kingdom, marking the first time the martial arts legends have been paired up for a movie.

Li says, "When Jackie Chan and I first wanted to work together 15 years ago, our passion was at its peak.

"Our desire to succeed was very strong. Now we joke that when we watch the The Forbidden Kingdom our combined age is 100.

"How intense are the battle scenes? My mentality is to not have high expectations".

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Jackie Chan et Jet Li, trop vieux?
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